T O D A Y | Triple exposure photograph | Turku, Finland March 4th 2022

Inspired by the current events in Ukraine. This triple exposure was taken today behind Sibelius museum along the river in Turku, Finland. First two images are of the giant old oak tree and the third one is the stone retaining wall of the building. I combined these images in situ and accidentally noticed how the colors match the flag of Ukraine.

I decided to make this piece into a downloadable background image for your mobile and desktop screens for whatever it is worth to support Ukraine.

As a personal note, I am the product of war as my parents were evacuated (twice) from Karelia during the WWII. I was born on the western side of Finland, but my roots are still in Karelia that now belongs to our eastern neighbor.

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TODAY (click to enlarge)

TODAY 50x70 cm 1/1 T.P.lā€™a fine art print to help Ukraine: Art sale at Kristiinankatu 4, Turku, Finland March 25-27th, 2022