Parliament Building Eduskuntatalo 🇫🇮
The Finns achieved independence on December 6, 1917. The history of the parliament building (Finnish: Eduskuntatalo, Swedish: Riksdagshuset) in Helsinki parallels our nation's journey as Finland became an independent Democratic Republic. I was hired by the Finnish parliament to photograph the interiors of the newly renovated parliament building. It was completed just in time for the opening of the autumn term of the Parliament in September of 2017. The meticulous and complete renovation and Finland's centennial gave me a once in a lifetime opportunity to be a part of this special year with my photography. The renovation started in 2015 and the last pieces of reupholstered furniture just came in while I was getting ready to photograph the hall of state (valtiosali).
The plenary chamber | View from the gallery - The Parliament Building, Helsinki, Finland | September 2017
Pyöreä täysistuntosali | näkymä parvelta - Eduskuntatalo | Syyskuu 2017
The architectural competition which was held in 1924 was won by the firm of Borg–Sirén–Åberg with a proposal called Oratoribus (Latin for "for the speakers"). Architect J. S. Sirén (1889–1961), was given the task of designing Parliament House. The building was constructed between 1926–1931 and was completed in March of 1931.
On a personal level, my father Kauko Loikas (1927-2017), was a young soldier fighting for Finland to stay as an independent nation in World War II. So, it is my honor share a small selection of my photographs of this very significant and historical building and urge you to visit when in Helsinki. Architecturally the building is like Finland at the time. Our nation was still seeking validation from the past classical trends and even Egyptian motifs, but at the same time trying to establish itself in its own right.
Work and the Future ( Työ ja Tulevaisuus) series of five gilded plaster sculptures by Wäinö Aaltonen (1894– 1966)
Settler (Raivaaja) of Work and the Future series
Five scultures of Work and the Future series
Future (Tulevaisuus) of Work and the Future sculpture series stands above the seat of the President of the Finnish Parliament.
#finnish #centennial
The yellow ceiling of the plenary chamber is covered with sound absorbing sugarcane panels. The architect J.S. Sirén specified this exotic material and it was imported from the United States in the 1930's. During the renovation some of the panels were replaced with new ones which were found in Australia after a tedious search around the world. You can see the actual panels with tiny holes in them in the detail photo below.
The yellow ceiling of the plenary chamber is covered with sound absorbing sugarcane panels.
The cafeteria with a mirror-like green ceiling and functionalist furniture.
Eduskuntatalon kahvila peilimäisellä vihreällä katolla.
A sculpture of the «Lion of Finland Without Its Crown» on the wall of the cafeteria by Sculptor Gunnar Finne (1886–1952)
Ceiling detail in the decorative stair case with marble and stucco lustro surfaces.
The main lobby on the ground level.
The hall of state (valtiosali) with its decorative ceiling and light fixtures.
Hall of State furniture were all reupholstered and restored faithfully to their original design.
The hall of state (valtiosali) door detail.
The hall of state (valtiosali) with its decorative ceiling and light fixtures.
The yellow elevator lobby.
Eduskuntatalon keltainen hissiaula.
Government's Meeting Room was designed by Arttu Brummer (1891–1951). The light fixture design were by J. S. Sirén, the ceiling decorated by Gunnar Finne and the blue carpet design by Eva Brummer (1901–2007).
Photographer Vesa Loikas on assignment in the Hall of State in the Parliament building in Helsinki, Finland in September 11th, 2017.
Valokuvaaja Vesa Loikas kuvaamassa eduskuntataloa Helsingissä syyskuussa 2017.
Contact me for any custom orders
Photography has always been part of me since I was a teenager. I have always been printing my work, first by traditional film development and dark room process and now by using a digital workflow and a large variety of materials and printing methods.
My prints connect the viewer with the photograph in a subtle but effective way, creating a feeling that lasts.
See my art work for sale in TAIKO.FI the online store for Finnish art
on my online gallery shop
The Dining hall, Parliament Building | Ruokasali - Eduskuntatalo 🇫🇮
Decorative elevator doors and interiors.
Ceiling detail in the decorative with marble and stucco lustro stair case
The Speaker's Corridor - Puhemiehen käytävä
The plenary chamber | View from the gallery - The Parliament House, Helsinki, Finland | September 2017
Täysistuntosalin näkymä parvelta - Eduskuntatalo | Syyskuu 2017
The opening of the Parking Meter Art exhibition
Sunday, October 20, 2024, at Taiteen Talo, Turku from 1 PM to 4 PM (Factory Building, 5th floor, IKU Studios). WELCOME!